The Gardeniser world

How it all started

Gardeniser Academy is the 9th project of the Gardeniser European projects series.

Gardeniser is the strategy binding synergies that have alternated the international and local dimensions, nurturing formative and transformative paths in the field of community urban gardens over the last 12 years.

From EU’GO European Urban Gardens Otesha, a first exchange between gardeners and urban gardens from different European countries.

to Gardeniser, transfer of innovation on the figure of the Urban Community Garden Organiser.

to Gardeniser Pro, training pathway (training course + traineeship) validated with ECVET credits for the recognition of the competences of the Gardeniser.

to Gardeniser Hub, training format for the training of trainers of gardenisers.

to Gardeniser Plus, learning mobility experiences supporting exchanges of gardeners.

to GenerACTOR, training courses and community pathways supporting the construction of community gardens for good governance, active citizenship and participation in Barranquilla, Colombia.

to Gardeniser Edu, training course for teachers and school directors interested in using outdoor school spaces, inside and outside school, as learning environments for their students.

to Gardeniser Gov, training course for civil servants in the environmental and social field.

to Gardeniser Academy, e-learning pathways for gardeners and citizens involved in urban community gardens.

to Gardeniser Community, supporting the creation of a Community Impacts Calculator useful for gardenisers and gardeners to communicate the impact their community garden has on the territory, raising its accountability in relation to institutions and enterprises.

…the Gardeniser story continues, supporting the movement of community gardens around the world.

The Gardeniser function

European cooperation projects within programmes such as LLP, Erasmus+ VET and ADU, EuropeAid have created the opportunity to work on an urban community garden model valid transversally in the various countries involved (Spain, France, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Greece, Austria, Colombia) and on the emergence and delineation of a common function in the various countries:

the Gardeniser (Garden+Organiser)

The Gardeniser is a key coordinating role within the urban community garden who cultivates people rather than vegetables. The role requires the Gardeniser to have both technical skills, like practical gardening skills, as well as good communication, mediation, organisation and management skills. A Gardeniser supports cohesion, participation, and social inclusion in the community garden.

Connect with other gardeners and gardenisers

The webplatform is to all intents and purpouses a multifunctional learning and networking tool that also gathers the results of the Gardeniser projects developed throughout time.

Here you can find:

  • Gardeniser training opportunities
  • Gardeniser training resources
  • Gardeniser and trainer licences
  • a Toolbox for urban gardens
  • the Map of urban community gardens in the world
  • the Map of licensed gardenisers
  • the Map of Gardeniser trainers

The GARDENISER ACADEMY platform is almost here!

We are currently building the GARDENISER ACADEMY E-Learning Platform – a space designed to provide free to use training for gardeners all around Europe.

To ensure you don’t miss out on the launch, be sure to join our mailing list.

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