Are you a community gardener? Or maybe you want to start one? GARDENISER ACADEMY is your place!

the project

The objective of the Gardeniser Academy project is to support the development of community gardens in Europe by offering online training contents tailored to the needs and expectations of gardeners all over Europe. To achieve this, the project will gather together examples of good practices from across Europe (France, Spain, Italy and Austria) through learning mobilities for volunteers and community gardeners. We will then develop three learning pathways that will be accessible online for gardeners all around Europe.

The Gardenisers (Community Garden Organisers) can play an important role in facilitating the access of gardeners to the online learning pathways and in guiding them choose the best one for their interests and the needs of their community garden. The e-learning pathways are a great tool for the induction of volunteers, new community gardens members and an opportunity for Gardenisers to delve deeper.

About the app

This online platform offers an innovative solution, via online training, to support the development of shared gardens in Europe. It is free to use and free of charge, and you can use the content as you wish to adapt it to your needs.

What can you find here?

Good practices

24 examples of good practices collect activities, practices and experiences that the volunteers who have participated in the mobilities in Italy, France, Austria and Spain have detected in their visits to gardens.

Mobility journals

Are you curious about the experiences of the gardeners on their visits to the gardens? We have their diaries! Have a look at them if you want to know everything about their journeys.

Learning pathways

Three learning pathways offer specific training resources for three different types of gardens: Intercultural gardens, Citizen community gardens and School gardens.

Who are we?

Pistes Solidaires

Pistes-Solidaires is a European Non governmental organisation based in Pau, in the southwest of France. It is an educational organisation that champions the knowledge, skills and attitudes that promote justice and equality in our multicultural society and interdependent world. Pistes-Solidaires works to enable individuals to better understand the links between their own lives and those of others across the world. We see education as all-encompassing and life-long, and our work in the educational domain is based on UNESCO’s four pillars of learning: learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together. The organisation includes 3 working departments:

  • Youth: this department gives people the chance to experience learning mobility through European programmes (ESC, youth exchanges, training courses).
  • Social transition: Pistes-Solidaires aims to increase the impact of EU cooperation at local level in the following spheres: education, social inclusion, socio-cultural fields.
  • European citizenship: we aim to augment local knowledge of Europe and European values. We were awarded the ‘Europe Direct Information Centre’ label by the European Commission in 2013.

Conservatoire des Légumes Anciens du Béarn

The Conservatoire des Légumes Anciens du Béarn (CLAB) is an ecological and educational garden dedicated to the preservation of old varieties of vegetables. Located in Assat, it extends over more than a hectare and also includes an orchard of forgotten fruits. The garden promotes biodiversity and agro-ecology by offering areas where visitors can discover local and rare species. It organizes educational workshops, guided tours and participates in conservation programs.


Gartenpolylog was founded to publicize community gardens in Austria and to initiate projects. Since then, we have been supporting the development of community garden projects, organizing educational activities, networking at regional, national and international level and are cooperation partners in (inter)national research and exchange projects.

REPLAY Network Aps

REPLAY Network is a social promotion association composed of internationally active educators and trainers within many of the European Programmes dealing with non-formal education, learning through mobility and active citizenship.

REPLAY Network designs, organises and develops different types of training and educational activities aimed at trainers, young people and adults, organisations, etc., using non-formal learning and international mobility, in order to contribute to the personal and professional growth of individuals in a lifelong learning perspective.

It promotes initiatives with the aim of bringing citizens closer to Europe and bringing Europe into the daily lives of citizens. The mission of the association is to promote social cohesion, responsible participation, active citizenship, inclusion and equal opportunities, promote employability and active ageing, cooperation and multiculturalism, through the creation of conditions that contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Europe 2030 strategy for the growth of a smart, sustainable and inclusive society. Priority areas of action:

  • Learning mobility
  • Training
  • School
  • Adult Education
  • Vocational training (VET)
  • Education Services
  • Youth Policies
  • Employability
  • Active Citizenship
  • Project Consulting and Assessment

On Projects

Supports organisations in turning their ideas into EU-funded projects. Experts in project management, coordination, monitoring and evaluation.

The GARDENISER ACADEMY platform is almost here!

We are currently building the GARDENISER ACADEMY E-Learning Platform – a space designed to provide free to use training for gardeners all around Europe.

To ensure you don’t miss out on the launch, be sure to join our mailing list.